• "Pointing the Way to Retirement Income Security"
  • "Delivering Superior Investment Results"


The Compass Institute was founded in 1997 to identify an alternative strategy to safely overcome the flaws inherent in Modern Portfolio-based traditional asset allocation vehicles.

The Institute's research serves to enhance retirement education of both individual investors and retirement plan participants.

To date, the most valuable innovation emerging from the Institute's research is an objective investment strategy called Adaptive Asset Allocation™ (AAA). AAA is independent of manager judgment and unrestricted by predetermined asset class allocation rules.

In 2004, this strategy was made available to the public under the name HORIZON™. Audited back-tests of this strategy applied to mutual fund portfolios and 401(k) plans offered by over 40 private and corporate organizations have averaged nearly 12% annualized investment return since 1997.

We also provide Plan Diagnostic Services to plan sponsors wishing to improve the quality of their current retirement plan offering.

Papers detailing our discoveries and innovations pertaining to the management of any well-balanced collection of funds (or ETFs), such as found in employer-sponsored retirement plans, are also available in our collection of publications.

Compass Points

Chicago, IL. Amassing evidence for a now widespread consensus that the United States faces a "retirement crisis," a Compass Institute report entitled Breaking Bad For Boomers calls for a change in focus for retirement investment strategies—from Investment risk (avoiding a repeat of 2008) to Retirement Income Security risk, or the possibility that even those who are playing by today's rules and making reasonable plans for their 401(k) management today may still likely run out of money before they die.

Revised Industry Definition

Retirement Income Security (RIS):
1. Receiving an amount of money equivalent to your final salary, every year of your retirement, for as long as you live. Read more...

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"The Sequence of Return Risk:
How It Can Make or Break Your Retirement"

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Retirement Worries Grow; 30-Somethings Most Uneasy