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To study, reveal, and develop solutions to the inherent flaws of traditional investment thinking.

Third-Party Confirmation Articles
Nearly ten years after Compass Institute highlighted the brewing trouble for future retirees and the introduction of its Adaptive Asset Allocation™ strategy for active retirement account management, others have realized and have begun discussing these very real and disconcerting issues facing retirees.

Provided below are independent Media Links supporting the Retirement Income Security crisis facing our country. (Click here for an index of articles by source.)

The Retirement Income Security Crisis

The vast majority of American workers have not quantified a retirement goal that is specific enough to be measured.

And for most of those that have defined a goal, they have grossly under-saved and/or underestimated the amount of money required to live out an ever-increasing lifespan in retirement without running out of money and/or having to significantly reduce their standard of living. For them, their "golden" years may feel more like "copper" or "tin".

These realities are hitting home as Americans are reaching retirement age in record numbers. Many "boomers" are now coming face-to-face with the reality that after a lifetime of saving and planning, they are going to need to reassess when, how or if they will be able to retire. Those still in the workforce are spending an increasing amount of time worrying about these very real issues for their future.

A double-digit investment return is needed by most Americans to amass enough money to have "Retirement Income Security," which we define as being able to have a quality retirement without ever having to worry about running out of money. However, traditional asset allocation retirement savings strategies, promoting a constant blend of stock and fixed income, (Life Cycle, Life Style, Balanced, Target Date funds) are unable to generate returns greater than 6-8% when you consider the historical returns of their components.

Employers are not immune from the effects of employee's failure to achieve RIS. Many have stepped up to provide assistance to their workers, and now must realize that assistance without results is a fatal flaw.

Impact on Retirement Income Security

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Retirement Goal Setting

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Retirement Planning

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Concerns About Retirement

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Investment Analysis/Advice

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Life During Retirement

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Fiduciary Responsibility

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Retirement Strategy

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Education and Advice are Important

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